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Intro to Pole - 1st Timers ONLY
New to pole? Never done a class or ever touched a pole before? You’re in the right place!

Our Intro to Pole class focuses on learning all the fundamental elements of pole and pole dancing to get you on the right path to a successful journey!

 During your first class you can expect to familiarize yourself with the apparatus, our studio, and some of the very basic moves to get you started. 

 Once a student has successfully completed at least 2 intro classes, there is no need to repeat it. You will be ready to join our Beginner Pole Level 1 and any of our choreography-based pole dance classes and level up from there!

Flow Essence
Incorporating a mixture of pole work, base work, and floor work through combos and flows, this class is designed to help you find your personal flow and expression. Heels not required but certainly encouraged; kneepads highly recommended.
Beginner Pole Tricks 
Ready to take your pole skills to the next level, well in this class you will be taught a spins and tricks. This is a level 1 pole tricks class,  pole experience is required.

Intermediate Pole Tricks 

Ready to take your pole skills to the next level, well in this class you will be taught spins and tricks. This is an intermediate pole tricks class,  pole experience is required! If you are a beginner poler please talk to your instructor before signing up for intermediate pole tricks.

Pole Dance 101 / Pole Play
Dancing in heels is an art all its own. Pole Play provides students with a solid foundation for dancing in heels. Develop stability and balance as you learn to move smoothly and naturally through drills and short choreographed sequences. This class is appropriate for both students brand new to heels as well as those looking to refine their heel technique.

Conditioning and Flexibility 

Pole dance conditioning is a pole dancer's workout that helps them achieve the strength they need to continue working towards their goal moves. The more advanced the pole trick is, the more strength or flexibility it might need to look clean, graceful, and smooth. In this split class you will endure 30 mins of conditioning and end with flexibility work. 

Open Pole - Session 1&2
Come practice what you learned in class at your own pace! (NO instruction, but there will be supervision). 

Beginner Pole Level 1:
This is a beginner class. You will be introduced to the spinning pole and the benefits that come with it. In this class you will learn different pole grips and how to start building strength.

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